Spring has sprung, are you ready?

The seasons

In NZ, signs that spring is here are everywhere! Daffodils, lambs in the paddocks, the days are getting longer and the sun is shining – giving us a cheeky glimpse of the summer weather just around the corner.

I love all of the seasons. Each one brings with it different weather, foods and clothing as well as influencing what we do and how we feel. For me spring is all about releasing the layers that have kept me toasty warm and safe through winter.

It’s about new beginnings, opportunities, and growth. I love filling my body with the fresh spring air, oh-so invigorating and uplifting. It’s also time to start moving more, almost like a bear coming out of hibernation, stretching and exploring.

Have you noticed how the different seasons affect you? What do you like about each one? What do you do differently? Do you notice any tension or resistance when you think about a season – if so, what is it?

Get set to welcome in spring

Now is a great time to sort any clutter, clean out and put away the winter layers, and open the doors and windows to let spring in.

While I’m all for a jolly good spring clean of your house and even your desk area or office at work, you can take it a step further. Take stock of what’s going on in your mind, in particular the thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back or weighing you down.

Clutter, be it physical, mental or emotional, clogs up our energy so things won't feel or flow quite as well as they could. 

What are you holding on to that it’s time to let go of? What thoughts and beliefs no longer serve you? Are there people you’re spending time with who are draining your energy?

Benefits of being organised and clutter-free

I’m not a big fan of being super duper organised but I have, over the years, come to appreciate the benefits of being organised (while still allowing for creativity and spontaneity!). Being organised has meant I have a greater sense of clarity and calmness. It’s given me the time and space to focus on what’s most important to me rather than going round and round in circles trying to find a way forward.

What areas of your life could benefit from being more organised? Then take action. By the way, keep an eye out for a 7-day GET IT DONE! challenge coming out soon.  

Review and re-set your goals

While you’re having a spring clean, review and re-set your goals too. With four months to go until the end of the year, take time now to think about what you’ve achieved, how you’re feeling and what you want the rest of the year to look like.

Avoid getting to the end of the year and lamenting about how quickly 2015 has flown by and that you’ve not achieved anything you wanted to. And remember it’s more than just achieving things, it's about joy and meaning too.

Have you created an environment that supports your success and allows you to shine? What changes do you need to / want to make?

There is no better time than now to prepare for spring. Open the doors and windows at home, work and your mind to embrace the joys of spring.

I’d love to hear how you go with springing into spring! Pop over to the REALiving Coaching Facebook page and let us know what you’re doing to prepare for spring.

Live your life as only you can! - Tracey x

P.S. Want to know more about how to de-clutter your home or work space, thoughts, beliefs or anything else that needs to go? Contact me now to find out how REALiving Coaching can help you.