Why you need a joy and meaning list

Ever noticed you’re focusing on achieving something or owning things just to keep up with others, to fit in or to be approved of? 

Buying a bigger and better house or a new car. Getting a better job. Having the latest phone or whiz-bang electronic device. And the list goes on.

But even when you have the latest, the best, the biggest of anything and everything, it doesn’t make you feel as good as you thought, does it?

Is there something more important than striving and having things?

In the book “The gifts of imperfection” author Brene Brown talks about creating a joy and meaning list. Because like many of us, she had noticed that the constant striving for the next thing didn’t actually make life better or help her feel more fulfilled.

So, Brene and her husband asked themselves this question, “when things are going really well in our family, what does it look like?” In answering that question, they came up with a list of what makes their family work. 

I did a similar thing when I was considering leaving full-time employment back in 2014, except the question I used was, “when I’m feeling most happy about my life, what does it look like?” My answers helped me decide how I’d set-up my business so that it wouldn’t consume me and take over my life.

So, what goes on a joy and meaning list?

Well, that’s really up to you because it’s a joy and meaning list for YOU!

But to help you get started here’s some of what Brene and her husband put on their list. Sleep, working out, healthy food, weekends away, being present with their children, a sense of control over money, and time with family and close friends.

And here are some of the things I had on my list. Contributing to the community, healthy food, weekends away, adventures with family and friends, playing, walking along the beach and reading.
Now if you’re thinking “whoa Tracey are you saying we should ditch our goals and stop working towards things?”. The answer is no. But maybe it’s time to look at the situation from a different perspective.

Accomplishments and things, or joy and meaning (or both)?

The joy and meaning list reflects the vision you have for your life - it’s about what living well means to you. And that’s important to know because then you can choose goals that help you help create the life you want (which is great from a motivation point of view!). Imagine that! You can confidently shift your focus from doing what you think you “should” to keep up with others, get ahead or to fit in, to being and doing what aligns with your vision.

You’ll have greater clarity about your priorities and that will create a sense of joy and meaning, peace too. How? Well, how you show up and what you’re working on, are now aligned with what’s true and right for you.

Time to create your own joy and meaning list

Take time to create your own joy and meaning list. It’s easy to do and there’s no special training or equipment required! Here are the steps:

  1. Grab a pen and your Live Well Life Planner or your journal.

  2. Head to a quiet space, somewhere you feel comfortable in.

  3. Write down the question you want to focus on answering, e.g. “when I’m feeling most happy about my life, what does it look like?”

  4. Write down everything that comes to mind. No judging or censoring what you’re writing. Just write it down.

  5. Look over your list and notice the things that bring you a sense of joy and meaning.

Once you’ve done that, think about what you want to change in your life. And it doesn’t have to be an epic-sized change (unless of course that’s right for you). Small changes are perfect for making progress.

Go well,

- Tracey

Ready to live well but not sure how or where to start?

Here are 4 ways I can help you get the clarity and confidence you need to live well...

👉 Do the Live Well quiz. It's designed to help you look at your life and hone in on what you're happy and not happy with. You can find it here.

👉 For more information and inspiration to help you live well - to be happy, healthy and success - follow me here. And remember to jump on in with your comments, thoughts and questions!

👉 Grab a copy of the Live Well Life Planner. Be in quick though there are only a few left! You'll find them here

👉Take a closer look at the 8 elements that make up your whole life. Work and relationships are 2 of them. The Your Whole Life e-course is available over here.