Stop waiting until the future to live well

Some people will wait until the future to FINALLY make changes in their life and do the things they dream of.

It's out there that everything will be perfect, the ducks will line up, and they'll be able to live their life well. And until then, they'll put their head down and push on through life.

While others will focus on living their life as best as they can now. Nothing's perfect but they're making decisions and choices that feel right for them, and prioritising what they value. It's not always easy but it's definitely worth it because they're really happy with their life.

Which of those two groups of people sounds like you?

(be kind to yourself and honest as you answer that question)

Most people that I meet through my work are in the first group – they're waiting until sometime in the future to live well and be happier.

I used to think along those lines too. But then I faced a significant health scare 😨

In my 20s I was sick for a number of years. I saw a lot of doctors and had a heap of tests and one day, a specialist said I might be dead before anyone worked out what was going on.


That's not what I wanted for my life! I was around 25 at the time and thought I still had my whole life ahead of me.

Fortunately, we did work out what was wrong and I was able to get treatment really quickly. And here I am a feisty 50 year old (I'm so grateful 🙏).

While I wouldn't wish for anyone to face a significant health scare or any other big life event, it helped me understand that the best time to live life well is NOW.

There are no guarantees about the future

Is it time you ditched the waiting and addressed those worries that are stopping you from living your life well?

And if it seems too hard, too scary, or downright impossible, remember, you don’t need to go it alone.

My mission is to help you become a confident self-leader and consciously create the life you really want to live.

No more settling or playing small! And no more waiting until somewhere out in the future.

The BEST time to live your life fully is NOW.

Will you do it? (I hope so!)


Join me in Life By Design for information and inspiration to help you be a confident self-leader and consciously create your life. To find out more, click here.